Friday, February 8, 2008

I've been tagged!

Just for you Colleen!

10 years ago: Weird, but I was pretty much doing the same things. Staying at home doing mounds of laundry and wondering what to feed my family, driving kids to activities. Now I am driving a different preschooler to school in a different car and we live in a different house.

5 things on my to do list: 1. fix Tyra's dance costume 2. clean house and decorate for Tyra's party 3. finish Primary lesson 4. go to Safeway 5. Keep up with this blog and put it into a book at so I feel like I am doing family history, not just messing around on the computer.

Snacks I enjoy: I like all snacks! Right now I am really liking Tostitos Creamy Spinach Dip. Yum!!! One of my all time favorites is licorice ice cream!

Things I would do if I was suddenly a Billionaire: Okay since this is all pretend, I can be as selfishly honest as I want to be. I would buy a mansion on the beach in San Diego and retire early!! I just read that to Eric and he said maybe I should start playing the lottery!

3 of my bad habits: 1. It takes me forever to get going in the morning. 2. Tyra says I worry too much. 3. Eric says I steal the covers, but really I don't!

5 places I have lived: Montpelier, Idaho, Provo, Utah, Interlaken, Switzerland, Beaverton, Oregon, Kalispell, Montana

Jobs I have had: clothing store, teacher's aid, office assistant, apartment manager, but most importantly MOM!!!

Things people don't know about me: I can't sleep without Carmex on my lips. That is pretty boring, but I really can't think of anything. I guess I am an open book!

I'm tagging: I will tag my family and friends who read this, but think they don't have time for a blog. Just start one with this tag. I will love reading about your lives!

1 comment:

Colleen Donovan said...

Yay! I'm such a weirdo. I love reading and snooping about other people! Thanks for making me feel good! :) Hehehe... I can't sleep without carmex either!!!!!!